Department of Metahuman Affairs Dossier - Project Firestorm



Mr Secretary,

I believe my son’s death could have been prevented had this Department and its agents existed back in his day. My son is why I created this Department and why I’ve dedicated my life to it.

As you are aware, my studies have determined that approximately one in one-thousand Americans are meta-positive, meaning they carry the metagene. A gene that remains a mystery to us. What we do know is that most positives will live out their lives, never realising they are carriers. In those rare times that a meta-positive is faced with a life-threatening event, the metagene will attempt to “trigger” and “evolve”. In most cases, the meta-positive will not survive. But in a rare few cases, the meta-positive will develop fantastic and amazing abilities, most often in correlation to the event. i.e.: the more powerful the accident, the more powerful the metahuman.

As a meta-negative, my research can only take me so far. Rex Mason, Jack Ryder, Kirk Langstrom and the others we’ve created and put into place have helped us make great leaps forward in our studies. Still, the metahuman community continues to grow at a rapid pace. Only a fraction of them are truly known to us anymore. Even fewer committed to us. I need to personally infiltrate their deepest groups and learn their darkest secrets so that I can protect this great nation. The best way I can that is become one of them. And I believe I’ve found a way with Project Firestorm.
I look forward to discussing more.

With respect,

Martin Stein

                Professor Martin Stein,

Director, Department of Metahuman Affairs 

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