Russia: The People's Heroes
Pozhar: Mikhail Denisovitch Arkadin, a husband and father, was thought killed in Chernobyl in 1986. Years later, he returned as a living nuclear reactor. Nearly impervious and able to transmute elements, the upper limitations of Pozhar's powers remain untested.
- Black Eagle
- Firebird
- Lady Flash
- Morozko
- Negative Woman
- Perun
- Red Star
- Rusalka
- Snow Owl
- Steel Wolf
- Tundra
- Vikhor
- Vostok
France: Justice League Europe
Crimson Fox: After being cleared of murder, Crimson Fox returned to Paris and was quickly designated leader of Justice League Europe. Once linked to Metamorpho romantically, she again finds herself in the middle of controversy. With superhuman strength, speed, reflexes and claws that can cut through promethium, she remains one of the world's most underestimated metahumans.
- Fleur-de-Lis
- The Hunchback
- Musketeer
- Nightrunner
- Theif of Arts
United Kingdom: Knights Inc.
The Knight: Little is known of the newest person to take on the identity of the Knight save that she is the first female to do so. Ordained by the Queen, Knights Inc. has rapidly grown, protecting the borders of the United Kingdom.
- Beaumont
- Canterbury Cricket
- Crusader
- Godiva
- Golden Pharoh
- The Hood
- Jack O'Lantern
- Looking Glass
- Lionheart
- Mrs Hyde
- Ridge
- Silent Knight
- The Squire
- Templar
Markovia: The Outsiders
Geo-Force: Royal leader of Markovia, Prince Brion Markov was one of the first metahumans created outside of America's programs. Dr Helga Jace, author of the Supermen Theory, transformed the young prince into a metahuman. With power over gravity and the Earth itself, Geo-Force became Markovia's protector and an international hero. He once worked alongside the Batman, something Prince Markov has publically denied.
- Baroness Bedlam
- The Eradicator
- Knightfall
- Terra IV
- Wylde
Israel: Hayoth
Seraph: The controversial Israeli metahuman known as Seraph claims to wield the Staff of Moses, the mantle of Elijah and the ring of Solomon. Leader of the metahuman group Hayoth, Seraph has kept the true number of his teammates secret. It is rumoured that the three most powerful metahumans on the planet are members of Hayoth. However, there is speculation that this is little more than propaganda created by the Israeli government.
- Dybbuk
- Golem
- Judith
- Pteradon
- Ramban
India: The Doomed
Celsius: Arani Desai lived on the streets of Calcutta for most of her young life. When she fell ill with a mysterious disease, she was treated by famed scientist Dr Niles Caulder. Gaining the ability to alter the temperature around her to great extremes, she was briefly a member of the Doom Patrol before disappearing. Once thought dead, she now searches the streets of India for those in need of help, particularly the children so easily preyed upon.
- Aalok of the Komeriah
- Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man
- Aruna
- Beast Girl
- Maya
- Solstice
- Son of Kalki
China: The Great Twenty
The New Super-Man: Kong Kenan was recently revealed to be the name behind China's Super-Man. There are several different stories circulating about the New Super-Man's origins, many of which indicate he has no connection to Superman himself.
- Accomplished Perfect Physician
- Bat-Man
- August General in Iron
- Celestial Archer
- Dao
- The Flash
- Ghost Fox Killer
- Gloss
- Guanxi
- Immortal Man in Darkness
- Mother of Champions
- Night-Dragon
- Ri
- Seven Deadly Brothers
- Shaolin Robot
- Socialist Red Guardsman
- Striker-Z
- Thundermind
- Wonder-Woman
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