"The Troubled Past - and Future - of Khandaq" - Trouble Alert May 30, 2019 pg.50-51

Once the most dangerous nation in the world, Khandaq now appears to be the safest. At least for those who live within it. Located on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula, Khandaq has been plagued for centuries by dictators, civil wars and genocide ... until an ancient myth, that of the Mighty Adam became a reality.

Confirmed satellite sightings of unregistered metahumans in Khandaq. 

A  "Super" Invitation

In a recent message that surfaced online, Black Adam offered asylum to metahumans from across the world. Concern grows as to what Adam's true intentions are. Is he creating a metahuman army of his own? Do his actions in Syria indicate a desire to act outside of Khandaq? And with all of the tension in the world focused on the Metahuman Arms Race, will there be anyone there to stop him? And the most controversial question of them all: If Khandaq has indeed become a place of peace and prosperity under his rule ... should they?


There is a legend in Khandaq about a magical champion called the Mighty Adam who helped free the people from slavery and the rule of Prince Akh-Ton. But their freedom was short-lived as the Mighty Adam disappeared soon after. Thousands of years later, a man claiming to be the Mighty Adam, now calling himself Black Adam, reappeared. He battled the Shazam family in Philadelphia before returning to Khandaq where he confronted and slaughtered the then-dictator and his army. In confrontations with more of America's metahumans, Adam agreed to stay within the borders of Khandaq, a country where he was celebrated as a hero. However, the day the U.S. and Russian militaries began to withdraw from the Middle East, Adam entered Syria to confront King Kobra.

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